After you have compiled your wish list, you can change the fulfill settings concerning recording
sources, what and how much to record, and many more and then start fulfilling.
Step-by-Step: Fulfilling wish list
- In the navigation, click "Music" and in the upper part click "Wish".
- Below your wish list, click "Activate list...".
- Choose the fulfill settings for your wishlist.
- Confirm your settings by clicking "Activate wish list".
Audials records your wishes, as soon as they are available on one of the selected sources.
Recording progress is indicated within the wish list, and on the bottom of the Music wishes
view. All recorded files will appear in the Player.
Tip: Fulfill your wishes in the background
You can activate the wish list even when you know that you haven‘t added all songs yet. Audials is able to search for the music in the background while you are still looking for interesting songs and are adding further wishes.
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