To search for specific artists, songs or albums or to discover new music, open "Music" and switch to the "Load" tab. Here you can search for new songs in many different ways.
1. Search for artists, songs, albums, radio stations
You can directly enter artists, songs, albums, or radio stations in the search bar. The search is similar to a web browser. While you are entering a search term, Audials shows several results.
2. Discover music of a genre
Choose a genre via the drop-down menu in the second upper row, before the search bar. If you don't know which music you would like to get you can find new music this way.
There are several tabs below the search bar where you can find many suggestions regarding the selected genre or the searched item.
3. Artist
If you search for an artist, an „Artist“ tab will appear that shows all albums, songs, or compilations by this artist.
4. Related Artists
The 'Related Artist' tab contains artists related to the search term you have entered. You will see all their songs and albums.
5. Playlists & Compilations
The „Playlists & Compilations“ tab will show you playlists according to your search term or the genre you choose.
With the drop-down symbol you can also choose „Top Charts“, then Audials will display the Audials Informer charts that we regularly add to Audials.
6. Music Zoom
Enter an artist name and go to „Music Zoom“ which can be described as a music map or a music universe where artists are sorted by genres and subgenres. Here you can discover artists similar to the artist you have entered.
If you want Audials to search only in certain music streaming services, choose them by clicking "Configure sources".
You can activate also the filters for more "Music results", use the vertical arrow at the top right and activate the "Show filter bar".
Select between 0 – 5 Stars, 0 means that the songs do not have such a high rating and it may not be a very high audio quality, but the search results will be in large numbers. And by selecting 5 stars you will receive only the best songs with a high rating, but the search results will be in a smaller number with the best audio quality.
Select the desired sources and the "Search results" will be displayed (Spotify, YouTube, Tidal, Amazon Music and other streaming services). More sources, more results.
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Thank you for sharing. After you search for this song and artist, I will tell you how to quickly download and manage them. If you are using Spotify streaming services, you can use the ViWzard Spotify Music Converter. This intelligent Spotify converter can convert Spotify music in batches at up to 5 times the speed. In addition, the music conversion process is automatic, so you don't need to set it on your computer during the conversion process. There is also an option to automatically save output tracks by artist or album.
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