Choosing folders and filenames




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    i am not interested in separating the tracks into individual folders, the Audials tagger is so crap it can't recognise the correct album a track is from 90% of the time meaning that this will create lots of folders none of which are correct.

    I need to be able to save everything into a single folder (Audials 2019 ignores the One common subfolder.. option) and have filenames set a I want them.

    choosing the one common subfolder and naming convention artist - album - nr - track.ext doesn't work and there is no indication of how the naming convention should correctly be.

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    I would like the option to create the file folder name using the disc number of a track for albums that contain multiple CDs. There isn't an attribute for this, although it is in the Spotify source.

    As it works at present if I save a streamed album that was on two CDs I end up with a folder containing two track 01s, two track 02s etc and then my audio player plays the tracks in the wrong order.

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    I agree with sknab that an attribute for disc number needs to be added for multi-disc recordings.  I have ran into this many times and end up needing to rename files to show they are in order without disc numbers.

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    doug gathmann

    I have used Audials enough to pay to upgrade and I do like the improvements but 

    I think the help files need to be expanded. The save tracks as could use more explanation. I wonder if you can change the preset types to something like Artist/Album/Track number-track name.  Like---- Bob Dylan/Time Out Of Mind/ 1-XXXX.mp3. 

    Also the New 2021 version still never gets the album just calls everything "unknown" and it sometimes makes separate folders for several songs from the same album if a song features another artist (but is on the same album). 

    If I record several Bob Dylan albums  at different times they all end up in 1 Bob Dylan folder with a subfolder called unknown then I have to create separate folders for each album then divide the songs. Which means looking up each album. It seems like the tag ID's would be able to do this automatically.

    A help button within the menus would be more helpful since it would be more context sensitive.

    Thank You



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    The file naming format of \artist - title.ext doesn't work. It's labeling my files with the track number and then the title (which is the original file name) instead of the artist and then title. In Windows File Explorer, I only have "Contributing artists" or "Album artist" to choose from. Help!

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    Audials has really screwed up the Rules Editor in v2021. I have been using the editor in v2019, v2020 but in v2021 it is all screwed up. The tagging of the songs is also incorrect in many ways. The track numbers are also missing on some of the downloads. Do not know what database they have been using. End up using MusicBee to manually tag the files to the correct names, track numbers. created a lot of waste of my time.

    The sad part is they will have a new version, expecting users to pay up and releasing a step back software. Do not take away useful features.

    I sympathize with all the comments from users on these page and they are correct.

    I loved Audials when it was not v2021.

    Customer service is good and replies in a timely manner, the software programmers have to get off their ass and fix the software like it used to work in the older versions.

    Thank you.

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    By following these steps Audials 2023 have moved and renamed ALL 8,000+ music files on my PC and moved them to the designated Audialis folder. WTF? How TF am I supposed to fix this now???

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    Mirela Radu, I hope this message reaches you.

    Great instruction. If I didn't know how it was SUPPOSED to work... I do now.

    The problem is that it DOESNT work!

    I just paid to upgrade to 2024 and yet there seems to be a downgrade in functionality.

    These ARE the instructions on how to choose the converted file name, the functionality is GONE! It doesn't work! It hasn't with my last 3 supposed upgrades!

    I have personally spoken with "SUPPORT" and was advised that the issues would be passed to developers for rectification. I upgraded, AGAIN, and still no fix.


    All I want is to have my file names in the same format that you have been converting them to since 2010. 

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