Audials One 22 AND 24 fails to record ANY video stream



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    I'm pretty sure it's not the graphic card, I have a 2020 upper class AMD and even with that one the system utilization shown by the app sometimes jumps from 1% up to 100% for no obvious reason, while the recording continious as before and a HW-Monitor says something else.

    At the beginning I had some trouble to start a recording to. For me it works to

    • use the internal player,
    • stop the starting video,
    • jump to the beginning
    • start the video again
    • start the recording
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    Thank you for the input. I did change it over to internal player, but regrettably no go.

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    It sounds like a compatibility issue with your GPU might be causing the problem. Updating your graphics drivers or exploring other software options could help resolve the issue.
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    The problem continues.

    Failing to record, and when initiating the record the sound disappears only to come back when I stop the attempt at recording.

    I have replaced the GPU and updated the driver to match, after a comment somewhere that a card over 4 years old should be replaced. The current on started manufacture 2 years ago.

    I have tried internal player and firefox browser.

    I have tried utube live recording,

    auto recognition recording

    full screen recording.

    It worked fine up until the point where after a long period of not using the program.

    I changed nothing as far as I know. It just doesn't function as it used to.

    I upgraded to 2024, same problems, as with 2022.

    The only good thing about this is recently I found I can record via the print screen option on my keyboard. Audials simply made for some better options, but I can at least record while this nonsense is resolved. If it ever is.

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     We pretty sure it's not the graphic card, I have a 2020 upper class AMD and even with that one the system utilization shown by the app like Scarlet ios app download sometimes jumps from 1% up to 100% for no obvious reason, while the recording continious as before and a HW-Monitor says something else.

    At the beginning I had some trouble to start a recording to. For me it works to

    • use the internal player,
    • stop the starting video,
    • jump to the beginning
    • start the video again
    • start the recording
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    Thank you for your contribution.

    Finally the program works correctly.

    But which change made the difference I do not know. There was a windows update, a graphics card driver update, and something else, but they literally happened all at once.

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