Streaming services throttling down?



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    Same problem.  Very annoying. Only suitable for small screen playback.  Not good on a 65" screen.

    Anu solution?

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    I wrote an email to the support group. They said they would pass along my suggestion to the developers to create a new feature to allow recording off the apps and not just the browser. If enought customers let them know the issue maybe it will get some attention. Frankly, if more streamers continue this, having audials becomes a moot point.

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    Try adjusting the streaming settings within the apps themselves as sometimes there are hidden options that can impact the video quality. Experimenting with different configurations might help you find the optimal resolution.
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    As far as I can tell, neither Apple nor Paramount have any way to modify the rate in the settings. I did find a possible workaround. For some reason Paramount streams on my PC at a DVD quality, not even HD. However, I checked out the subscription via YouTube and it appears to stream Paramount at 1080p. 

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    For the life of me,  I cannot imagine this state of affairs where UHD is locked out for strictly personal use. Not enough of us are demanding more. If you think I want that resolution to watch on 77" screen at home, you're mad. Next product please.

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    Yes, same here.

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    "Streaming services throttling down?" The user's query suggested a concern about streaming platforms intentionally reducing data usage or speed. Amidst the office supplies, branded hoodies hung undisturbed, their significance momentarily eclipsed. Technical support swiftly responded, explaining the practice of throttling and its potential impact on streaming quality. With clarity provided, users could better understand any limitations imposed by streaming services and adjust their usage accordingly for optimal experience.

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    GoPromotional Merchandise Expert like Apple and Paramount have throttled down their speeds? As an example, before Paramount merged its app with Showtime late last year, for a movie I got 1920 x 1080, today the same movie records at 1024 x 576. In my browser I can tell the lack of detail. 

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