Streaming Service (2020-06-18)



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    Hello Audials Beta Team:

    I made this suggestion to you back when we were beta testing Audials One 2020 and really hope you will finally take the time to add this great new suggested feature to Audials One 2021. We need to add to Audials One Video Streaming ability to capture streaming movies and TV shows in Kodi. The problem people encounter sometimes with trying to download movies or TV shows directly through Kodi app is it not always will allow user to get the stream to download even when using a VPN but user can usually find a streaming link for playback when using a VPN. We need Audials One 2021 to add a new feature to detect and record the video stream in Kodi app similar to detecting video stream in a browser (e.g., Chrome, Firefox, etc.) app.

    Thank you and good luck with Audials One 2021 new product development.

    David, Audials 2021 beta tester.

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