Recording Amazon Music HD


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    while analyzing different kinds of "wrong format" and "missed seconds" bugs received at our support department, our developers finally found the bug. They are now working hard to fix it as soon as possible. Once the fix will be done, an update will be released. 

    Thank you for your understanding!

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    Hi triomigeone, 

    Please contact us by email:

    Thanks !

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    Hi @... have the exact same problem, mail is sent to support.

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    I have a similar problem. The song is cut at the beginning and ends early which seems to cause the next song to start within the same track. So part of 2 songs are on every track. I've sent logs to support and tried multiple updates of the streaming service, but it still isn't working. I just tried the update today too and no luck. 

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    I just tested again and it seems like the 2 seconds taken from the beginning of each song really builds up at 5x when recording multiple songs. So the 10th song actually ends up starting 20 - 40 seconds late.

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    thanks a lot for that replies and also that intensive tests. I contacted the support and they are working on a fix. I am very pleased, how bugs are handled here.

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    Thanks Andreea! Great to know the issue is almost fixed. :)

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    Once this bug is fixed I'll have a lot of songs to re-record, but every time I add a pre-recorded song to Audials it skips the song. Does anyone know how to prevent this issue and make Audials think that it has NOT recorded the song before? 

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    Andreea Any update on the streaming service fix?

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    I bought Audials Music 2021 just two days ago and am also having the above issue.  I can wait for a fix but I hope this is fixed quickly before my refund time gets close to running out. I would rather have a working version of Audials Music than a refund.


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    we are expecting for a Streaming Service version to be published next week, we are really sorry that it takes so long, our developers are really trying hard to find a stable fix.

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    Andreea Are you still expecting an update to be released this week? There was a streaming services update earlier in the week, but no mention of Amazon. I tested it anyways though and it still doesn't work.

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    It looks like version 3.5.406 is supposed to fix this issue. I'm not getting an update notice in the app for this version though. Is anyone else able to get it and test it out?

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    Hi mbarylski, 

    If this still does not work for you, please contact the audials support by email:

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    It looks like it's working now, thanks!

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    so, where are we supposed to get version 3.5.406?  When I open Audials it doesn't tell me there is a new version available.

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    No, it doesn't, which is really confusing, but the update is actually already there. It appears they have different versions for the different modules, and for whatever reason this module doesn't show up in the UI as an update.

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    Ok, i have the updated version but I no longer am offered the choice of downloading the entire album/CD but only to capture the music via streaming.  Is this the way it is supposed to work now? We lose the option to download an entire album/cd and only can capture via streaming?

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    It worked for me like described. I have just downloaded the version and installed it complete.

    So I can record whole albums at 5 time speed without problems. 

    Maybe you should try this too.

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    racedog1 I use the "Put music from Amazon to Audials" option and then in Amazon I click Share Album. Copy the link and Audials automatically detects the share, and prompts you with a download window. Click download for all the albums you want to download. then, once your queue is set, click Download Now. 

    One issue I just discovered is that Audials doesn't want to record 2 songs with the same title name. It will create 2 recordings, but the 2nd will be the same as the first. So if if an album has a studio recording and live recording of the same song, it only records the first song. Very strange. I've submitted a ticket, but I'd be curious to hear if anyone else is experiencing this issue. 

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    I can download music at 5x also, that is not the issue here.

    mbarylski, I no longer am offered the option to "Put music from Amazon to Audials". I am given the ability to stream music at 5x which works fine. But what happened to being able to "share" the album? I have looked for somewhere to enable this option thinking it might have been moved in this version but I can find it nowhere.



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    racedog1 Well that's strange. I wonder if we're both going through the same steps. I start with the Music Streaming tab and select amazon music. That's where I get the pop up for "Put music from Amazon to Audials". Are those the same steps your taking? If so, that's really strange that it isn't showing up.  

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    Yes, same steps but I am never given the "Put music from Amazon to Audials" option. I am only given the option to stream music.

    I wonder if I should to remove this installation and install a fresh version?
    Audials support, you can step in here and offer some support now. We seemed to be stumped as to what is going on here.

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    having same issue with first few seconds not recording.  have already downloaded the latest update to audials.  -- after doing more tests it looks like I can record high speed if I record from amazon, and DO NOT use a share link to set up a recording.  I should instead just set amazon to play fast to record the music, in the audials settings for recording a stream.  Its just weird that audials does not have the share link recording process working.

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    Hi, It would be great if you also can contact the audials support and maybe provide some log files. Email :

    Thanks !

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    Same issue with me.

    Sometimes songs start half way through and record half the next song. 

    I've also had issues when using the "Put music from Amazon to Audials" option of it outputing files which playback at a speed that's too slow.

    Something is seriously wrong (sigh).

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    I don't even get the "put music from Amazon to Audials" option, I only get the option to stream music.
    I can send logfiles to support if someone can telle which files to send.

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    Well it's working again mostly. Just need to record while in the Amazon music app on win10 at 5x speed. Do not use a SHARE LINK to paste back into audials as that seems to not work with changing songs and recording the first few seconds. -- only using the Amazon music app seems to get everything functional for playing and recording.

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    Please contact us by email at: 

    Thank you !

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    Hi Denisa, I contacted support on the Audials website 4 days ago and have had no response.

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