Change "Continuous Recording" Length before a new file is created
Is there any way to change the length of time or file size on the Audio Streaming Continuous Recording option?
Yes, the length of time or file size for continuous audio streaming or recording can sometimes be adjusted, depending on the specific hardware or software you're using. Here's a general guide for various devices or applications:1. Device/Software-Specific Settings
Check the Settings: Many devices or software that support continuous recording, such as security cameras or voice recorders, offer options to adjust recording durations or file sizes. Look for settings labeled "Recording Quality," "Bitrate," or "File Size Limit."
Reduce Audio Quality: Lowering the bitrate or sampling rate can extend the recording duration within the same file size. Look for options to adjust these in your recording software.
2. Split or Extend Recordings
Some systems automatically split recordings into chunks to avoid exceeding file size limits. For example:
If your system has a maximum file size (e.g., 4GB on FAT32 file systems), you can't adjust the size limit but can reduce the bitrate or enable auto-splitting.
Use external tools to merge or re-process these chunks later if needed.
3. Use Third-Party Applications
If the native settings don’t allow changes, you may need third-party recording software that lets you control recording time and file sizes more precisely.
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