Audials 2025


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    Ja das stimmt    was richard 127gm geschrieben hat  . Ich hatte den Test  mit youtube  vernachlässig  und muß nun  feststellen   das  es  nicht  mehr  fkt  in mp3  das  mitschneiden  von youtube    . gerade getestet  konvertieren  notfalls  hierüber  >Online Audio Converter - Einfach in MP3, WAV, MP4, M4A, OGG oder iPhone-Klingeltöne konvertieren (  herunter  geladene Datei    war  in opus  . Also  bei Audials one 2024  fkt.  es mit dem konvertieren   siehe Bild.





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    This is beyond frustrating. Everything from YouTube Music converts to either M4A or Opus, depending on if you're copying whole albums or individual tracks. Absolutely nothing I change in the Output Format settings has any effect on this. Therefore I have to convert everything to MP3 after it's saved and then Audials converts everything to 256kbs, again, no matter what the settings are. Do Audials monitor these forums? Is there any answer from them? Will this be addressed?

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    The audio and video settings in Audials 2024 were very simple and clear. I have no idea what the setting options in Audials 2025 mean and how I should apply them. And there are no instructions to be found anywhere. WHY???

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    john carico

    getting to support is terrible.  yet they want us to upgrade.  i want to use airplay so i can play audials thru my sonos speakers, but the link to airplay does not work yet it is there.  

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    The upgrade to the 2025 version of the music streaming recording software has introduced unnecessary complexity, especially regarding file format and quality settings. In the 2024 version, recording and saving files at the same quality as the source was straightforward, with files automatically saved as MP3. Now, the files are often saved as M4A, possibly reflecting the source format from YouTube Music, and there is no longer an option to save in the same quality as the source. Checking the settings for hidden or advanced options that allow for format changes at @LiteBlueLogin

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    Yes. Absolutely right dgmeinsider. The main problem is that I can no longer trust Audials. I have two accounts. YouTube Music for everyday stuff and Amazon for high-end encoded songs. I usually start out with YT Music but have found that since the end of 2023, they are streaming songs at an appalling 160kps. I could tell this because Audials was telling that was the case when recording was set to "same as source". If that happened, I'd switch to Amazon and record it from there. But now, Audials doesn't give me any idea what's going on. When it records as M4A, I have to convert it to MP3, where it converts everything to 256kbs. Is this real? It might be, but I now have no idea. I think maybe, it always recorded M4A at 128kps, which are natively 128kps on YT Music, and converted them to the "same as source" MP3s. So why is it now converting them to 256kps (no matter what I put in the settings btw)? Got to say that I'll be cancelling my subscription next year if this isn't sorted. I've already paid for this upgrade, so want to get my money's worth.

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    I have not upgraded from 2022 yet. However can anyone who has 2025 comment on the "Studio Quality AI conversion" feature? Is this really a new advancement in the technology or just a marketing gimmick/ "snake oil"

    Thank you.

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    My Gold subscription does not contain 'AI'. Therefore I would have to upgrade to an Ultra subscription. I have no intention to do so. It's considerably more expensive, but the benefits are not clear to me.

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    Today I received this reply from Audial customer service with respect to this issue:

    'Thank you very much for your observation, we will ask our developers to make it much clearer, because indeed right now the way it is listed is very incomprehensible. They will have to fix a bit also the settings because they are not working as it should. This will be done most probably in the upcoming update.'

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    The music recording settings in Audials One 2025 are very messed up, complicated, clunky, inaccurate and incorrect, not clear!!! It creates 8 channels from stereo source, splitting the stereo channel too!!! Why???? 
    Update to fix it because it is a step backwards from previous versions!!! 

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    New Audials 2025 version and we start with the same bugs year by year again. Is anybody at Audials testing the software before releasing new versions? Music streaming from e.g. Spotify that worked perfect fine in the last versions of 2024 is now a mess: wrong cuts in the middle of the song, song artist and title are duplicated in the next song, etc.

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    Audials 2025 is nowhere near as good as audials 2024. whereas I used to copy a youtube video and it deleted the ads, now it includes them and I can't seem to edit them out? This is soooo frustrating. I am now going back to Audials 2024 and I won't be upgrading any time soon.

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