Need help with spotify



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    I have this problem also. It started almost a month ago when Spotify updated their app. Since then recording with Audials is a very, very BIG mess: it stops after 1 track, or continues but then cuts everything wrong. Support keeps telling that it will be fixed. But WHEN??? I am very sorry to say this, but I am losing my patience. I purchased Audials One to record from Spotify, but now that is not possible at all.
    BTW: I have a premium Spotify subscription. so this problem cannot be related to Spotify's adds.

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    Hz eastonx

    Please also contact us by email:

    Thanks !

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    I've noticed this happens when an ad would play. The app has issues resuming after ads, so it could take a couple tries to do it.

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    Same here - the only way to record something is to stop Spotify after recording one track. Used both versions Audials 2020 and also 2021. Same problem and same solution. 

    I have also a premium subscription. Please find a quick solution - the only thing we here for several times is that the developpers are working on it and that we shall write an email. 

    Thanks for a quick solution.

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    Hy all,

    We will release a fix for this issue as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience!

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    Why is this not being fixed or with multiple support technicians? 

    All I see across this board is Denisa. 
    Where is the update this was a month ago , and is still an issue

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    Permanently deleted user

    Hy audio.mob.move

    We will release a new update very soon. 

    For more information, please contact audials support:

    Thanks !

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