Issues recording from Youtube Music



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    Unsure why you have adverts if you have the HD audio. I assume you mean Premium which is 256kbps approx. But no adverts and no issues downloading either. 

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    Yalbi, no I just mean HD audio... see, you used to be able to actually get the full 320kbs audio files directly from youtube using youtube-dl whether you had premium or not. It was just the standard audio option that could be grabbed for any video on Youtube. Then a few months ago Youtube silently changed things where now they cap the quality that's offered publicly (to non-premium members?) to something much lower - maybe a shade above radio quality. I'm not quite sure what the exact quality level is but it's definitely not the full 320kbs and it's quite clear that there can be some distortion in various songs due to this lower quality. No Youtube Premium here so ads play.

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