Audials is the most versatile music and video streaming recorder, compatible with all relevant sources. However, new releases of streaming service apps & websites may break compatibility - until we fastly update Audials.
Currently known (unsolved) problems
Youtube and Youtube Music recording (reported on 2024-12-10)
Video Streaming > recording from DisneyPlus limited resolution (reported on 2024-12-03) this is a DisneyPlus limitation, not Audials
Spotify recording issue - in Music Load or Music Streaming when using the drag and drop method, song remains in "connecting" or "stopped" status (reported on 22.08.2024, fixed partially for most of the users, the users who still experience this issue, please send logs and screenshots to support department for further investigation)
workaround: open Spotify > Settings > Help > Troubleshooting > Reset App Data and Restart > that will clear some app data and require to log in back again, it will improve Spotify's performance.
Video Streaming > recording from Sky Go latest update no longer possible (reported on 2024-05-25) explanation can be found in our FAQ section here
Seldomly: Video Streaming - recording not starting (reported on 2021-10-15)
In some circumstances, video streaming recording in mode "internal player" won't start recording.
Workaround: try the recording in one of the supported browser in order to record properly your desired movie.
As a note: check that the Windows is up to date including video and gpu drivers, the graphic card should not be older than 4 years.
we are working hard to fix these problems as soon as possible! If you have reproduced any severe issue not listed here, please let us know.
Recently fixed problems
Spotify blocks some users
Workaround: Use mode "background recording" at 1x speed to avoid being detected
Music Streaming > Spotify app > remote control - recording not working for new updated Spotify app version (reported on 2024-11-22, fixed on 2025-02-13)
Music Streaming > Spotify app > remote control - high speed recording not working (reported on 2024-11-26, fixed on 2025-02-13)
Video Streaming > Netflix, Amazon, other video streaming services> subtitles > using the render into video option does not work, should still work properly using the other options (reported on 2024-11-22, fixed on 2024-12-03)
Music Streaming - Qobuz app - recording doesn't work (reported on 2024-10-18, fixed on 2024-10-23)
Music Streaming > Tidal - remote control - URL could not be processed (reported on 2024-10-04, fixed on 2024-10-07)
Music Streaming > Spotify app > play in app > Audials does not detect the played music (reported on 2024-07-26, fixed on 2024-08-26)
Video Streaming > recording from Netflix doesn't work right now if 1080p is selected, or if 720p is selected together with 5.1 sound option (reported on 2024-08-02, fixed on 2024-08-06)
Music > Load , Music Streaming and Video Streaming > Youtube download not possible (reported on 2024-07-25, fixed on 2024-07-26)
Music > Load and Music Streaming > remote control for Spotify > recording remains in connecting step (reported on 2024-06-21, fixed on 2024-06-21)
Video Streaming > recording from Amazon Prime using the internal player does not work (reported on 2024-06-10, fixed on 2024-06-19)
Audials music/video drivers do not install/uninstall from Driver Manager (reported on 2024-04-26, fixed on 2024-04-29)
Video Streaming - Netflix recording using 1080p - Error UI3013 (reported on 2024-03-20, fixed on 2024-03-22)
Video Streaming - copy paste Vimeo URL - "Could not process URL" (reported on 2024-03-14, fixed on 2024-03-20)
Video Streaming - Disney Plus - Batch recording - record and queue buttons are missing (reported on 2024-03-05, fixed on 2024-03-13)
Music Streaming - Spotify App - Play in App - unknown / tagging issue (reported on 2024-03-04, fixed on 2024-03-05)
Music Streaming - Tidal - remote control - Could not process URL (reported on 2024-02-14, fixed on 2024-02-16)
Video Streaming - copy paste Youtube URL - Audials crashes (reported on 2023-12-08, fixed on 2023-12-08)
Audials 2024.0.119.0 - language can not be changed, default is English (reported on 2023-12-07, fixed on 2023-12-07)
Audials 2024 error message "Your output storage device is not configured properly" (reported on 2023-11-27, fixed on 2023-11-28)
Music/Video Streaming - no streaming services are available - this issue affects all users with Win 7, Win 8 and Win 10 up to 1670 build (reported on 2023-11-22, fixed on 2023-11-23)
Music Streaming - Tidal - remote control - Could not process URL (reported on 2023-11-22, fixed on 2023-11-23)
Music/Video Streaming - recordings are failing after joining - recordings not saved (reported on 2023-10-16, fixed on 2023-10-18)
Video Streaming: Due to an update of windows, video recording in internal browser may fail to work or deliver correct video tags. (reported on 2023-09-19, fixed on 2023-09-20)
Music Streaming: Pandora tagging issue when recording from browser (reported on 2023-09-08, fixed on 2023-09-20)
Audials 2022 version and older: Update message for Streaming Service remains listed even after several Audials restarts (reported on 2023-08-31, fixed on 2023-08-31)
Music Streaming - Spotify - remote control - drag & drop recording get stuck at a percentage ~ equal to the recording speed (reported on 2023-06-12, fixed on 2023-06-13)
Youtube recording fails - Music Load, Music Streaming and Video Streaming were affected (reported 2023-02-17, fixed on 2023-02-17)
Music Streaming: Tidal remote control or URL not working (reported on 2023-02-09, fixed on 2023-02-13)
Music Streaming: Napster tagging issue (reported on 2022-09-28, partially fixed)
Audials 2022 and older versions - Crash at startup - some users which started older Audials versions on 18.01. between 15:00 and 19:00 may have automatically installed a faulty "Streaming Service" component, causing a crash on startup.
Workaround: Uninstall your Audials and reinstall it (the versions can be found here) and the problem is fixed.
Music Streaming: Tidal remote control or URL not working (reported on 2022-11-16, fixed on 2022-11-18)
Music Streaming: Spotify connection fails since the update to (reported on 2022-09-23, fixed on 2022-09-26)
Music Streaming: Amazon and Tidal - Master quality setting is missing in Audials 2022 and older versions (reported on 2022-09-21, fixed on 2022-09-23)
Youtube recording failed in Audials 2021 and older versions (reported 2022-09-14, fixed on 2022-09-14)
Music Streaming - Deezer - there is a noise at the very beginning of a recorded track (reported 2022-08-10, fixed on 2022-08-31)
Unable to update Streaming Service 3.3.780.0 (reported on 2022-08-18, fixed on 2022-08-18)
Music Streaming - Napster tag detection broken for since new Napster player v.1.0.2 (reported 2022-07-05, fixed on 2022-07-30)
Music Streaming - Tidal drag&drop not working (reported 2022-06-10, fixed on 2022-06-14)
Workaround: try to use record while playing method until our developers will fix this issue
Video streaming recording: Firefox in version > 100 doesn't record video streams properly (reported 2022-05-02, fixed on 2022-05-11)
Workaround: Use Chrome or Edge browser, or an older version of Firefox browser
Video Streaming - using the option "find or record subtitles" > "render subtitles played by x into file" causes that video recording may stop suddenly, before video is completed (reported 2022-04-20, fixed on 2022-05-11)
Workaround: Use "find or record subtitles" > "search the web for matching subtitles" instead
High Speed Video recording issue (reported 2022-03-04, fixed on 2022-03-10)
Due to update of Windows system (for "internal" mode) and Chrome 99, high speed video recording may fail. Workaround: Disable "high speed" (normal speed works further fine)
Youtube recording fails - in older Audials versions: Music Load, Music Streaming and Video Streaming were affected (reported 2022-02-09, fixed on 2022-02-09)
Seldomly: Video Streaming - videos not detected in none of the browser (reported 2022-02-02, fixed on 2022-02-03)
Music Streaming - Spotify drag&drop connection fails after recording the first track (reported 2022-01-25, fixed on 2022-02-02)
Music Streaming - Napster tagging - the tagging is not working Napster app+Firefox+Edge (reported 2022-01-25, fixed on 2022-02-01)
Music - Load - records video instead of audio (reported 2022-01-26, fixed on 2022-01-27)
Music Streaming - Audials 2022 recording from Deezer not working on Win 11 only Win 10 (reported 2022-01-05, fixed on 2022-01-18)
Music Streaming - Youtube recording - fails in older Audials versions: Music Load, Music Streaming and Video Streaming were affected (reported 2022-01-07, fixed on 2022-01-10)
Music Streaming - Spotify recording - tracks, recorded from Spotify, sometimes have few first seconds recorded twice (reported 2021-10-10, fixed on 2021-12-10)
Music Streaming - Amazon Music - remote-control recording (drag&drop) is currently broken (reported 2021-12-07 in the morning , fixed 2021-12-07 in the evening)
Music Streaming - Amazon music recording (reported 2021-11-27, fixed 2021-12-03)
Caused by new version of Amazon music, severe problems with recording.
Music Streaming - Spotify background recording no album tags (reported 2021-11-01, fixed 2021-11-25)
Recordings missed "album name" and "album cover" tags
Music Streaming - Tidal drag and drop not working (reported 2020-11-18, fixed 2020-11-19)
Caused by a small change of Tidal
Music Streaming - Spotify mode "record while playing" - Recordings with no tags (reported 2021-10-29, fixed 2021-10-29)
Caused by new version of Spotify
Music streaming - Amazon Music mode "record while playing" not working (reported 2020-10-27, fixed 2020-10-29)
Caused by new version of Amazon Music
Music Streaming - Tidal not working (reported 2020-10-18, fixed 2020-10-20)
Caused by new version of Tidal
Music Streaming - Amazon Music mode "Remote control (drag & drop)" not working (reported 2020-10-03, fixed 2020-10-11)
Caused by new version of Amazon Music
Hopefully theres an update soon love this program cool and fast ! I have windows 11 mostly record on Youtube platform am planning to stick with this one don't really need to get the 2022 one. Just have that issue where recording process justs STOPS. Thanks for looking into this issue 👍👍
I just want to tell you that i am not going to use you product ever again... but maybe you dont care anyway... I wanted to record a live show today that i have been looking forward to do for weeks... I recorded it and I did everything right... But after, when i wanted to check it the show was recorded nicely but there was no sound at all... not good...
Did you make sure your default audio recording device is working and all drivers are functional? Did you verify in Audials to make sure your audio recording device is listed as an active device? Did you encounter any errors during recording? You should send the log file to Audials for analysis if you are able to record video and audio from another source.
The Spotify drag and drop does not work. I dragged a playlist to Audials one, it can only record the first 30s. Very disappointed.
I've used the app for quite some time and the Music Sreaming service worked perfectly fine, but since some months it doesn't for Youtube. When you record something there, there's a distorted ad, then the audio starts and the end is cut of. I don't know how to fix it. If you have some tips, please give them to me and to the devs: please fix it. I love the app and would like to use it fully again. Also, back then, many audios could be recorded at once, now there's only the possibility for one.
buongiorno, uso audials One dal 2019 passando sempre alle nuove versioni e hanno funzionato bene. Ho aggiornato alla versione 2023 e sono cominciati i problemi non riesco più a registrare e si blocca tutto potete darmi qualche suggerimento? (il mio sistema operativo è windows 10).
sono costretto a ritornare alla versione 2022
Since yesterday I am unable to record from Amazon Music app on my PC using Audials 2022 which is upto date as is Amazon Music. Please advise.
Have had an open ticket on Audials for a month now, new Audials 2023 won't recgnize ANY CD/DVD drives on my computer, Audials 2022 still does, just the new version. Totally worthless to me. Have already sent in the screen shots and logs. Definitely a glitch in the new version.
Hi, Im still having problems with Disney + when I queue the films it times out and goes back to the login page for Disney on the next video in line. Plus now it stops at 10sec and goes back to the beginning
The latest Audials release 2023 update or new installation crashed at startup. The new update on my working 2023 version on 5/15 now won't start. I have uninstalled and reinstalled with a new download, but it still couldn't start. It only displayed the Audials 2023 product intro logo momentarily, then disappeared. Please advise for a fix. Thanks.
I use Tidal. I would love it if Audials Music files could be generated with less time requirements. Can the recording Speed: Normal (1x) [from the "Record Tidal" window (see screen shot)] be increased resulting in faster recording than (1x)? It is set at (1x) and that implies it could be increased from (1x) to make the recording faster. I can't find a way to change the speed though. If it can't be done, can I suggest it as an upgrade in the next version?
Terrible product. It doesn't record more than 43 seconds and it doesn't even give you the option to use streaming applications to record movies so you have to use a browser instead.
I Spent the last three days playing entire movies on Netflix, Hulu.. and trying to record them yet it captured only 43 seconds each time. Waste of money and time !
Audio recording can be achieved through ViWizard Audio Capture, capable of recording any audio played on your computer, whether it is a music track, live broadcast, game sound, online meeting or other through a browser or a web player or media player such as Chrome and other media The audio played by the player.
Audials 2024 error message "Your output storage device is not configured properly" (reported on 2023-11-27, fixed on 2023-11-28)
Is not fixed. Actually, I didn't have the problem 3 days ago (2023-12-20), but now I do. Help please.
I've purchased audials one 2024 and downloaded well my music from playlist from tidal to save the my PC till the day before yesterday.
But it happended that I couldn't download my music from the playlist because of such error happened as below for URL paste problem.
I normally downloaded my music as below. First I put my chosen music from tidal to playlist and come to playlist , copy playlist link.
And come to URL,paste my playlist link and normally it showed me "music download" on the monitor.
But it happened from Yseterday that "could not process URL" , "Please check your input and try again". I tried more that couple of dozens trial but it showed as above continuosly.
Pls help me how to release such problem as soon as possible.
Is there a prevision for fixing spotify downloads?
Recording from Apple Music does not tag the files since 1-2 weeks.
Currently I can only play one track and have to tag it manually.
Videos corrupted by persistent presence of "centering icon" (Blue box with crossed/double-tipped arrows) throughout ENTIRE VIDEO.
Onboxious & renders serious movies Un-watchable. I have now had to Delete over six (6) hours of recordings.
How do I permanently ELIMINATE possibility of this mis-behavior???
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