Start of song is repeating on almost every track


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    do you use the latest updated Audials version number? if you do, then it would be really helpful if you could send to the support department the following details: complete Audials and Spotify version number, used recording method, used album, does this happen with some specific tracks or only with a few, a sample of such a file, a few screenshots during the recording, a screenshot with the interface of your Spotify while playing a track, the entire LOG folder zipped and the system information file.

    our test department can no longer reproduce this issue and a while back, this issue was fixed and confirmed by a few users.

    thank you!

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    literally just started using ths, I purchased Audials One so it's latest version, I have spotify premium and just downloaded the desktop app a couple of days ago, both are latest versions.  simply made a playlist and either drag it to Audials or copy the link and paste it, Audials appears to work fine, everything finishes, spotify is 320kbs, audials is 320kbs but 60% of songs have 1.4secs repeated at the start, it's very bizarre why it would do that and not to all tracks only some.

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    please start Audials as an admin > go to Audials Options > General Troubleshooting view > enable the extended logging > reproduce the problem again > close Audials > zip entire LOG folder and send it to
    send there also the requested details from my previous reply.

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    thanks, i'll just refund,  I don't have time to put together a large bundle of things just to try and get it to work like it should do in the first place

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    Hi blobbyx

    For a refund, please contact us by email:

    Thanks !

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    I have the exact same problem.

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    Hi audials.chris,

    please contact us by email:

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    Michael Mckeown

    I have the same problem.

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    Just so people know, I never found a solution to this and is clearly a major bug, I tried endless things and nothing worked, about 70% of the songs repeated 1.4 secs at the start and I have no idea how it managed to record a totally different track onto the one you're recording when trying to record "CD 2" and it inserts the start of the same track number but from "CD 1".  I had to refund in the end. To fix the songs easily you can download Audacity, load the songs and cut the start off and save it, it works perfectly but not exactly what you want if there's hundreds of songs to fix!

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    same problem. 2021 did not do this for me.

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    Just upgraded to: Audials 2022.0.118.0, built on 11/11/2021
    Streaming Service 3.3.726.0
    The problem still exists. All songs recorded in queue except for 1st repeat the beginning of the song.

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    I have this problem, too. Perhaps on 10-20% of tracks recorded at 1x speed from Spotify Premium via drag and drop. Audials One version 2021.0.220.0.

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    I have this problem too (version Audials one 2022.0.128.0). Additionally, I have observed that the ending is cut off by the exact amount of time that was duplicated at the beginning of the song.

    My impression is, that the duplication at the start of the song (and the cut off at the end) depends on the recording speed:

    speed x1 -> ~1,4 sec

    speed x20 -> 15 sec

    A fix would be very nice. With this problem, unfortunately, the software is too unreliable ...

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    This is a genaral issue, we know about this and it is already reported. Our developers will fix it as soon as possible.

    Thank you for understanding !

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    Right, at the moment recording from Spotify with Audials is impossible with this problem.

    Hopefully this will be fixed fast.

    Because of this issue is reportet 3month ago without a fix: Does anyone knows an alternative to audials?

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    Most recently I had this issue with about 75% of tracks on a single album. Audials One version 2021.0.220.0, 1x recording speed. Used Audacity to fix these, but that's not acceptable.

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    I am also experiencing this issue with the 2021 version. Can you give an idea of the timeline for resolving this? The post about the developers fixing this was 20 days ago...

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